Category: Magento
Custom Database Connection on Magento 2
Sometimes Magento needs to connect with a different Database specially when we link Magento to a third party system (like ERP). Magento 2 is very much flexible and easily connect to other systems. To establish connection with a different database we need to apply following tweak.
All the credential for new connection can be set from the following file
Configure Fastly on Magento 2
The first impression of a website is its load time. To improve page load time CDN services plays an important role. People may know about CDN or not but every internet users interact with CDN now-a-days. CDN serves a large portion of the Internet content today, including web objects (text, graphics and scripts), downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals), live streaming media, on-demand streaming media, and social networks.
What is CDN
CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. CDN is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. Which means CDN minimizes the distance between the visitor and the web server, so the download latency is reduced. Also it serves a cached version of contents to the users of different locations.
figure-1: CDN working principle
There are couple of CDN service providers MaxCDN, CloudFlare, Amazon CloudFront, Akamai etc. Recently one of the most popular CDN service is Fastly. Fastly, offers high speed as it employs SSD disks in their cache servers to fetch content. Also it provides Reverse Proxing, Load balancing, Header support, Origin shielding, Instant Purge support, HTTP request fulfillment and more.
Magento & Fastly
Magento is one of the best e-commerce platforms with the striking features like scalability, flexibility, robustness, customization and user-friendliness along with these using CDN service Fastly will drive your store into next level of business. Therefore, it becomes essential for store owners to look for the ways to enhance the speed and performance of the website. I have divided the whole process into two sections Firstly-side configuration and Magento-side configuration.
Continue reading Configure Fastly on Magento 2
Meet Magento Japan 2016
Meet Magento Japan 2016 is my second Meet Magento event of this year. On 22nd November of 2016, the event held at Bellesalle Shinjuku Grand located in heart of Tokyo, Shinjuku. Meet Magento is a legend in Magento world. The association is a non-profit organization and supporting Magento users worldwide. They provide a good platform for both Merchants & Developers by arranging events all over the world.

Magento2: Theme Customization
This article is focused on Magento2 default themes, responsive design, implementation of new theme and uninstall theme from Magento2; helpful for frontend theme developers.
In Magento, theme is a component of Magento application which provides a consistent look and feel for entire application area using a combination of custom templates, layouts, styles or images. Magento2 provides two themes Luma and Blank. Luma is known as demonstration theme, where as Blank theme is the basis for custom theme creation. Though there is no restriction to use these default themes but in case of customization, the best practice is to create new theme package. Editing default theme is not recommended because changes can be overwritten by the new version of the default files during upgrades.